MONTERREY MEXICO, DECEMBER 2007.- Based on the benefits of the equinetherapy, a "Horse-massage is an application of this therapy but on healthy people or that do not require a physical rehabilitation", declares Roberto Cisneros Z., a Mexican zootherapist from Monterrey Mexico, and an adviser of La Granja de los Abuelos (Grandparents Farm), a didactic, ecological and therapeutic farm with more than 6 years operating in the north of that country. The Sioux and Hopi in the United States, were the first ones in America using the horse as a therapeutic instrument, they receiving unexpectedly many of the benefits by the simple fact to mount it without any chair. "Depending on horse large, this transmit to the human body 90 to 110 rhythmical impulses per minute in three dimensional form, thus experiencing opposed, centrifugal-centripetal forces, advance-backward movement, elevation-reduction, displacements lateral-rotations, which act beneficially on pelvis, waist, column and thoracic box", adds Cisneros. These induced and reiterated movements activate a great number of kinetic chains and, even, they repel on respiratory dynamics besides to cause sensorial activation, muscular action and to wake up the reflections of that are on the back of the horse. "Through the back of the horse, assures Roberto Cisneros Z., the body received a massage produced by the vibrations generated by the rhythmic movement of the animal, that cross from coccyx to the crown, happening through the spine and with this, although who mounts does not make another thing but to rest on the horse, its active movement is urged causing muscular action and waking up the reflections. It is like walking without having to take a step, or to swim without having to move in the water ". Gabriela Iturbe M., proprietor of the Farm and also a specialist in equine-therapy, assure that “the corporal temperature of the horse is two degrees superior to the one of the people, this aid to distended and to relax the musculature and ligaments, simultaneously that the sensitive-perception stimulates and through the adoption of different positions it is transmitted to the legs, pelvis, back, neck, chest and digestive system of that mounts it. Both Mexican zootherapists agree in which "The heat of horse also favours the psycho-affective area, since it can act like substitute of the maternal heat, that combined when rocking itself rhythmically with the passage of the horse, generates sensations of security and loving protection” "Unlike the equinetherapy, the horse-massage requires ride the horse without any kind of mount, searching not to interfere with the transmission of the animal heat” emphasizes Gabriela Iturbe. "The ideal would be to be able to receive the heat directly horse-individual skin to skin, without clothes in between, but most of the people have social prejudices, so, this is little probable to occur with facility”, Iturbe affirms. "It is not necessary to know how to mount a horse to receive a horse-massage –Gabriela said- since the horse is lead by the therapist who simultaneously provides the instructions to do the correct positions". "The horse-massage in average takes around 30 minutes, adds Gabriela Iturbe, first are used to become familiar with the horse and to take confidence in the same one by means of caresses, comb the horsehair and to provide a minimum of food. The rest of the time is used above of the horse changing of position in 8 occasions". Gabriela and Roberto, work together at the moment to promote this type of massage since the benefits may be many: It promotes a body relaxation and low the arterial pressure; regulates the activity of the independent nervous system; improves the functions of the circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal systems; recovers mobility and elasticity; increases the sensorial reception; eliminates tensions and stress; favours the regulation of the intestinal functions and improves the fats metabolism; relief pains in muscles and joints; stimulates the circulation of corporal liquids and the toxin elimination; improves the elasticity of the skin and delays the appearance of wrinkles (when the contact is direct skin to skin); may reduce the insomnia; generates the endorphins liberation, improving the mood and the self-esteem; and revitalizes the individual, cause increase the energy levels. |