Androgen in milk of Pregnant cows causes Acne
Atlanta, Georgia, 11/09/2007 - Milk of pregnant cows contains lots of sex hormones such as androgens. Unfortunately, chemical structure of cow’s androgen hormones and androgen produced by human is somewhat similar to each other. Studies shows that most of the cows in United States are pregnant, hence their milk contains a large amount of androgen. Androgen is male sex hormones produces in both genders of humans and some other animals including cows and buffaloes.
Testosterone is an androgenic hormone that is converted into DHT. Hair follicles and sebaceous glands are susceptible to DHT. Thus, the more testosterone is produced, the more it is converted into DHT.
Excessive hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum and causes inflammation of hair follicles. Excessive sebum is restricted within narrowed and inflamed hair follicles. Here within hair follicles, propionibacteria mixes with sebum to make a plaque.
The plaque clogs the hair follicles and small bumps appear. The bump is called whitehead and if sebum pops out the bump, it is called blackhead.
Cow milk not only stimulates sebaceous glands and induces acne; it is also a leading cause of excessive weight gain in girls. Androgen helps build and maintain male and female characteristics, thus, intake of pregnant cow milk causes high weight, and teenagers are more sexually excited and girls may develop enlarged breasts. Too large amounts of androgen may cause breast cancer, studies show; however, further research is still needed.
To prevent from successive acne breakouts, excessive weight gain and breast cancer, both teens and adults must cut down on dairy products such as butter, margarine, cheese, ice cream, candies etc.